Thursday, January 21, 2010


I think it is about time we stopped complaining about our country. We live in the best country on this planet. If we do not like how this country is run, we should get up off our butts, away from the television or computer, and do something about it.

I have three main responsibilities in my life: First - to my God, Secondly - to my Family, Thirdly - to my Country. I believe that many Americans have forgotten and ignored some or all of these responsibilities.

We would not leave our children with a baby sitter that we knew nothing about, and yet we put people in office who we know nothing or little about to run this great nation.

Most of us know very little about our local officials, let alone those who are in our State or Federal Government. We complain about what they do, and say "It's not my fault, I didn't vote for them." THAT'S THE PROBLEM, we don't vote. In a very good year less than 50% of Americans take the time to vote. In many elections, only 10 to 20 percent show up to vote on election day. All of this means that there is a small minority who are determining what the leaders of this wonderful Nation do.

If you want this Nation to be what our founding fathers foresaw and what we desire it to be. Stop bad-mouthing our Country and do something to make it better. Learn as much about all of the candidates as you can and get out and vote for the person whom you think will do the best job. Do not base your decision on what your family, friends. clergy or anyone else thinks. Vote for the person that YOU think will do the best work for America. Become an active part of American Government.

When you vote, do not allow the candidate's Religion, Race, Gender, Political Party, or the way they look or talk influence your decision. Morality and Ethics are not limited any one Religion, Race, Gender, or national origin.

Put yourself out once in awhile, by going to your local government meetings. Send an e-mail or write a letter to your government officials to let them know what you think of the job they are doing.

Make some time to volunteer to help those in your community that need help and the organizations that are trying to improve our ways of life for everyone. We are not too busy, we just think so. We always manage to find time to do what we REALLY WANT to do. If we do this the United States of America will be what we wish it to be.



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