Monday, May 23, 2011

An Angry Old Man

American Sacrifice Today

In the United States, today, our idea of sacrifice is our tolerating the incompetent and intruding airline security program.

Many Americans believe that giving up any so-called entitlements would be too great a sacrifice. They still insist on entitlements that our country can no longer afford.  It is about time that we face the obvious truth: We cannot afford what we enjoy today without increasing our taxes.

We have health care for the poor, the sick and the aged.  We have two years of unemployment insurance and a retirement at age 66, with everyone receiving the benefits, and there are some special benefits for home owners.

The government collects no taxes on religious and non profit groups. We have subsidies for agriculture and government favored industries.

Since we insist on receiving these entitlements, our government gives them to us and then pays for them by borrowing (stealing) from our children’s future.

We have government-backed loans for students who are attending inept or non-performing universities. Many of the Federal  Government pensions are gold-plated gifts.  Our government is deploying hundreds of thousands of American troops and government  personal in Europe and Korea.

Some corporations, large and small, get government entitlements as well, and even some of these pay little or no federal taxes.

We are chiefly concerned about taking care of our current wants and needs. We want faster computers, mega-giant TVs, bigger houses with twice as much room for use by less number of people, as well as all the latest gadgets that we can't live without and will seldom if ever, use.

While we spend on ourselves, we are taking from our children and grand-children.  We are stealing from our children so we can maintain our entertainment and creature comforts. We lie to ourselves, that we deserve it: God help us if we ever got what we REALLY deserve.  We are ignoring our country's infrastructure, which impacts our children’s future.  They will have crumbling bridges, and roads that are unsafe to drive on.  We should be thinking about our children’s future and investing in education and the country's infrastructure.  We should be getting rid of the incompetent teachers that have in the past, been impossible to fire.  Instead of us providing a better education, we are cutting the number of school days for our children, and at the same time we are increasing their class sizes and cutting their language, music, and specialized (for dyslexia, etc.) programs.

We are now experiencing a loss of police in many small towns and a diminished police protection and fire service in most cities. The necessary basic services like electricity, water and sewage will become less reliable.  We will turn over to our children and grand-children a second-rate, debt-ridden United States of America.

Politicians will seldom, if ever, tell us the truth about taxes. They know that very few will vote for them if they say  or hint that they might raise taxes to pay for what we call entitlements. They also know that we will not let them cut any of the programs we are enjoying.

It is time for all Americans to face REALITY, and for Everyone And Every Company Pay Their Fair Share Of Taxes or to accept a discontinuation of some of our benefits (entitlements). The sacrifice should be Equitable for ALL.

Our national sacrifice is being made by the brave young men and women in uniform, who are risking life and limb to serve and defend our country.  Today, these men and women and their families are the only ones who are giving up and risking so much for our country.

I realize that it is nothing new in the history of our country, but I have become very angry at the SOB individuals and companies who have made and are still making obscene profits off of our military men and women's misery and sacrifice.  If there is any justice, they will all burn in hell.


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